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AWG Polonez is a polish producer of catalytic converters. The company was founded in 1999. In our offer You can find catalysts and coated matrixes from this producer. The catalytic converters with metal insert meets EURO 2 - EURO 5 normes. In our offer You can find standard catalysts with the capacity of 500 cpsi (cells per square inch) and sport catalysts with the capacity of 100 and 200 cpsi (cells per square inch).
Catalysts insert (a.k.a. coated matrixes) should be welded into original catalyst body on the OEM part. Original part should be cutted in the place they were welded and weld the coated matrix in original catalysts place.
In our offer You can find standard and sport coated matrixes (catalyst inserts) with the diameter from 80 to 150 mm with EURO norme from EURO 2 to EURO 5.
Every catalysts has 12 months or 50k kilometers warranty (whichever comes first).
Catalytic converters with metalic insert are more resistant for mechanical damage and high temperatures.
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